Cash For Gold : Will It Hit $1000 Forever ?

The answer is NOT!!! ( my opinion )...

Gold has been recognized as a good way to store value of money sice 1000 years ago. All major central banks are doing the same thing. They keep their credibility by storing gold as much as they can. Whenever its required to spend, gold will determined the price of its currency. Without storing gold, the country will be in uncertainty situation caused by economic unstabilty.

Currently, gold in history recorded hit $1000 for second time and stay at that position for 1 week..The price of this precious metal become more expensive at this month.

Why ? If this metal will be hit $1000 forever ?

some people said that this preciuos metal will not be there. Just because gold has been around for 1000 years, it doestn mean it will hit $1000 forever.

Too many factor determined th price of this precious metal. One of that is demand & supply factor. If it never been demanded by other people, the price of this thing will goes down in value. It has been proven. Looak at this week. Price has been fallen to $990/oz

So, just remind yourself that dont put all your eggs in one basket, which is not really a good thing to do as a good investor.

Cash For Gold : How To Buy A Gold ?

It is easy to be a fool buyer gold. They buy for gold without know nothing. And laslty, they got a fake gold bar with pay it for unreasonable price. This situation happened everyday. Unfortunately, most of us didn't know how to react for this situation. We put our ignorant higher than our mind. That's why most people got a fake gold bar.
So how to avoid this problem and paying for a real gold bar with confident. Fisrtly you have to be knowledgeable to buy gold. You must know what type of gold you want to buy. Is it your buying for your investment or for your saving,hedging from risk. This is a real important step to go before buying a gold bar. There are several types of gold including gold for investment ( gold bar with 999.99% 24 carat ), or for jewellery ( gold 916 22carat ) or below that taht.
The second step is to understand your seller. Dont buy any gold from unknown person.So the solution is by knowing your gold seller first. Make sure he or she introduce themself with confidently. You have to get their name, their phone number, location, their shop , or anything that you thing its easy for you to contact he/she for a long time.
Another way to get info about your seller, find it throught internet. A lot of info is out there. Just let yourself digg it. Find any credible seller to make a deal. This is the good way to make your deal is safer and profitable. Ok?
to be continued.........

Cash For Gold : Gold VS Debt

It's very tired to do everything with single hand. Really hard and difficult. That's happened in my daily life. So, this blog is apart of my life to relax my mind and sharing something valuable to others.

As a banker, i saw a trend of growth in borrowing activities. Everyday, submission for personal loan application is rising. Maybe its because of Raya's event. By the way , this is not a healthy way of lifestyle. I'm sure they borrow the money is not because they need for life instead borrow for their willingness. They borrowed the money because they want to buy something more than they needed in their life. This purchasing power is influenced by emotion. When emotion took part in spending habit, for sure it will ruin the human life.

Nowadays, the amount of debt is more bigger than amount of money. Believe it or not! Just take this simple theory. As we learned from basic economy, the bank make money from its loan ability to provide. We called it as " multiply's power". Let say a man, saving their money into bank saving account for $10. The bank with their own "fractional reserve bank" will took some of deposit as their requirement. The balance will go into their system for creating more money by providing loan. The loan amount is like bubble. It is exist but we cannot assume it's really exist phisically. Like bubble, we know it is bubble. It can be ruin in a second without nothing. It's so many but it's also nothing.

Meanwhile, the gold is different. Eventhough the amount of gold is small, the value is big. What do you think about it?

Cash For Gold : Investing In Gold

Why we should invest in Gold?

This is a simple question. However the answer may not be simple as its question. Gold. as we known have a great value in various area. Most people use it for their own way to collect the wealth. The wealth is not coming from your money only. Its not by saving . Its come through their creative thinking about manipulation of wealth.If you stand over the mountain of money, its do nothing. The money is there. But the value of money is not as much as it size.

By investing in Gold, its like owning a mother of money. Mother, creating their familiy by birth. A born of new child, a point for that family to growth. So, the same situation happened by investing in Gold. Actually we invest our money into mother of money. It will give a bor to new money even its existing is not through phisically.

In late 1930. a gold bar 1 oz is only USD$ 100-200

Nowadays, 1 oz gold bar ( 999.99 ) 24 carat is USD$990. Look!!! It generate value without doing nothing. That's a great benefit of Gold compare to paper money.

Is it right:?

Cash For Gold : An Introduction

Hi everybody!

It's an amazing thing in this world to write of everything i know about gold. Gold as we known is a precious metal that have unique value for everyone. Its not only limited for women but available for anyone for their best portfolio's investment.

In 1971, after richard nixon unveiled new policy to untied the relation between gold and dollar - the world become in dangerous situation. The purpose at that time is to save US economy. However it becomes unpredictable when the money depreciate every year compare to the gold. After all, today we cannot see the real value of money instead of paper and number only. Financial instittution generate more money by pumping it into the world through providing loan facilities.

The most crucial thing when its cannot be stop and effect to our world seriously. Previously, when sub prime mortgages crisis happened in US, most country over the world panicked and try to find various of solution to defense their economy situation. The saddest thing in this world is US solve that problem by pumping more money only. Perhaps it is a good soultion, by the way it will not give a good impact for a long time period.

The world still denied the function of the gold. They refuse to believe that this kind of metal can be organised to save the world economy. Believe it or not, the day will arrive and for sure the man who choose to save his money through gold will smile forever.